I’m so happy that we are working together. Please know that this is not a race. I want you to relax and take your time. The best way to really get the most out of my services is to go slow with each and every step. Don’t feel rushed.
Writing a book isn’t a sprint or a race. There is no deadline. If you want to write a great book, take your time, think about the chapter you are writing, run it through your mind when you are going to sleep at night, and when you wake up, jot down any new notes you came up with that night before. Take your time. Let the story sit with you for a bit and really process the chapter’s events and the characters.
I’m here to help you write a great book. No, it won’t do all the work for you, but that doesn’t mean it can’t help you take your writing to the next level. So let’s get started!